
Will you please try to find out what time the airplane arrives?
可以請你查查看那班飛機什麼時候到嗎? I’ll call right now to find it out. 我立刻打電話查清楚。
The teacher told us to look at the blackboard and not at our books老師叫我們要注視黑板,而不是看課本。
I like to walk along a country road at night and look at the stars我喜歡晚上在鄉間小路散步、看星星。
He’s spent over an hour looking for the pen that he lost他已經花了一個多小時找他丟掉的筆。
So there you are! We’ve looked all over for you. 原來你在那兒呀!我們到處找你呢。
He said that it would be all right to wait in her office until she returned.
他說待在她的辦公室等她回來沒關係。 Do you want me to turn off the TV? Alright, if you insist.


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