
Ann picked out a good book to give to her brother as a graduation gift安挑選了一本好書送給弟弟當畢業禮物。Johnny, if you want me to buy you a toy, then pick one out now.強尼,如果你要我買個玩具給你,現在就去挑一個吧There's no need to hurry doing those exercises. Take your time不必急著去做那些練習題,慢慢來。 William never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does.威廉做是從不匆匆忙忙的,他凡是都是慢條斯理We talked over Carla's plan to install an air conditioner in the room, but we couldn't reach a decision我們討論了卡拉計畫在房內裝設空調的事,但並未做成決定 Before I accepted the new job offer, I talked the matter over with my wife.在決定接受新工作的條件前,我和我太太討論過這件事。


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