來看喔~!今天的英文喔~!hand-free telephone 免提電話
have a wolf by the ears 進退兩難have the gift of gab 能說會道
Near is my shirt but nearer is my skin. 首先考慮自己 neither rhyme nor reason 一無是處
neither more nor less than 不多不少, 恰好 no better than one should be 舉止不檢點
not a feather to fly with 貧困, 破產, 垮台 brothers and sisters 兄妹 cap and coat 衣帽
come all the way from ... 專門從……趕來 Person of the Year 年度人物
take the heat off someone解燃眉之急 film distribution company 電影發行公司
high-rise office building 摩天辦公樓 Montreal International Film Festival 蒙特利爾國際電影節
natural ice-free harbor 天然不凍港 needle in a haystack 大海撈針 talent for deviousness 歪才
thriving and robust 蓬勃向上 unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇獸; 奇花異草
put a new premium on 高度重視 propsman 道具員

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