我為大家介紹英文:not make head nor tail of sth.對某事一點摸不著頭腦
nail one's colors to the mast 堅定不移絕不屈服
Near is my shirt but nearer is my skin. 首先考慮自己
neither more nor less than 不多不少恰好 。。no better than one should be 舉止不檢點
One justice can overpower a hundred evils. 一正壓百邪
a drug on the market 滯銷商品冷門貨供應過剩的商品 。。。。。。
drop off the edge of the earth 人間蒸發Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石
on the edge of one's seats 被影片情節緊緊抓住 best foreign-language film 最佳外語片。
competition for talented people 人才戰 cross that bridge when coming to it 車到山前必有路船到橋頭自然直 Montreal International Film Festival 蒙特利爾國際電影節    Nothing venture and nothing have. 不入虎穴焉得虎子
no better than one should be 舉止不檢點 nail one's colors to the mast 堅定不移, 絕不屈服 murse 男士錢包

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