
On our trip to Colorado, one of the car tires blew out when it hit a large hole in the road. 在前往科羅拉多的旅途中,車子陷進路面的一個大洞,導致一個輪胎爆掉。
Little Joey wasn’t able to blow all the candles out, so his big sister helped him.
小喬伊無法將全部的蠟燭吹熄,所以姊姊幫他忙。What has become of my pencil?I had it ten minutes ago, but now I can’t find it. 我的鉛筆跑哪兒去了?十分鐘前明明還在啊!現在卻找不到了。 I wondered what became of you. I looked around the shopping center for two hours, but I couldn’t find you at all. 我還以為你發生什麼事呢!我再購物中心整整找了兩小時,卻始終見不著你的影子。 During the hurricane, all the store owners shut their shops up. 颱風來襲期間,所有的商店老闆都將他們的店打烊了。 Bob’s sister told him to shut up and not say anything more about it. 包柏的姊姊叫他閉嘴,不要再對那件事發表任何意見了。
The student got into big trouble for telling his teacher to shut up.
那個學生惹出了大麻煩,他竟然叫老師閉嘴。 Curtis has got a bad cold. He’s sneezing and coughing a lot. 卡提斯得了重感冒,拼命地打[噴嚏和咳嗽。
How much money have you got with you right now? 你現在身上有多少錢?


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