
What important buildings did the tour guide point out to you?導遊指給你看的是什麼重要的建築物?The teacher pointed out the mistakes in my composition.老師指出我文章裡的錯誤。A friend pointed the famous actor out to me.朋友把那位名演員指給我看。I don’t think much of him as a baseball player; he’s a slowrunner and a poor hitter.我不覺得他是一個多了不起的棒球選手;他不但跑得慢,打擊力又差。James thinks highly of his new boss, who is a kind and helpful person.詹姆士對於他的新主管評價很高,認為他既親切又樂於助人。How long did it take you to figure out the answer to the math problem?
解那道數學題花了你多少時間?I was never able to figure it out.我從來都沒有想通過。
Herb tried to repair his car engine all morning before he called it a day and went fishing.
在賀伯完成手邊的工作、出門釣魚之前,他整個上午都在試著修理汽車引擎。We’ve been working hard on this project all evening; let’s call it a night.我們已經為這個企劃案忙了一晚,今晚就到此為止吧~!
Would you rather have the appointment this Friday or next Monday?你比較希望我們在這星期五碰面,還是下星期一?I would just as soon go for a walk as watch TV right now.與其要我現在去看電視,我寧可去散步。
think you’d better speak to Mr.White right away about this matter.我認為你最好馬上告訴懷特先生這件事。The doctor told the patient that he’d better go home and rest.醫生告訴病患最好是回家休息。

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