
What important buildings did the tour guide point out to you?導遊指給你看的是什麼重要的建築物?Theteacher pointed out the mistakes in my composition.老師指出我文章裡的錯誤。
A friend pointed the famous actor out to me.朋友把那位名演員指給我看。
The time is up,”the teacher said at the end of the test period.測驗時間一結束,老師喊了一句:「時間到!」。We have to leave the tennis court because our hour is up; some other people want to use it now.因為使用時間已到,我們必須離開網球場,現在是其他人的使用時間。After the dance was over, we all went to a restaurant.跳完舞,我們全部上餐廳去了。The meeting was through ten minutes earlier than everyone expected.會議比大家預期的早十分鐘結束。1.I thought that Margaret would arrive late, but she was right on time.我原本以為瑪格麗特會遲到,但他竟然準時到達。Did you get to work on time this morning, or did rush hour traffic delay you?你今天早上是準時上班,還是被尖峰時刻的塞車給耽誤了?
We entered the theater just in time to see the beginning of the mivie.我們及時進了電影院,趕上電影的開場。The truck was not able to stop in time to prevent an accident.那輛卡車未能及時停下來防止事故發生。

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