Someone should tell little Bobby that his shirt is inside out. 應該要有人告訴小巴比他的襯衫穿反了。
The high winds ruined the umbrella by blowing it inside out. 一股強風把傘給吹翻弄壞了upside down 上下顛倒 The accident caused one car to turn upside down, its wheels spinning in the air.
交通意外導致車輛翻覆,車輪在空中空轉著。 One of the students was only pretending to read her textbook; the teacher could see that the book was actually upside down.
有個學生假裝在閱讀課本,其實老師已經看出她的書是上下顛倒的。 You should be careful to fill in the blanks on the registration form correctly. 你要小心無誤地填寫登記表上的空白欄。
Barry was absent from the meeting, so I’d better fill him in. 貝瑞沒有出席會議,所以我最好將開會內容告訴他。 Has anyone filled the boss in on the latest public relations disaster?
Every prospective employee must fill out an application by giving name,
address, previous jobs, etc. 每一位有希望被錄取的員工都必須在申請書上填妥姓名、住址、工作經驗
等個人資料。 The teenager had some trouble filling the forms out by himself, so his mother
helped him. 要那個少年自己填寫資料有點困難,他的母親因而從旁予以協助。
I took advantage of my neighbor’s superior skill at tennis improve
my own ability at the game. 我善用鄰居高超的網球技術來增進我個人在比賽場上的潛能。
Teddy is such a small, weak child that his friends take advantage of him all the time. They take advantage of him by demanding money and making him do things for them. 泰迪是個矮小虛弱的孩子,朋友們總是占他便宜。只要他們缺錢或想 要有人跑腿做事,就會找泰迪。


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