
Marge woke up this morning very early,but she did not get up until about ten o’clock.
馬姬今天早上很早就醒了,卻拖到十點鐘左右才起床。My alarm clock wakes me up at the same time every day.我的鬧鐘每天都會在同一時間叫醒我。Jane is in charge of the office while Mrs. Haig is on a business trip.海格太太出差時,就由珍負責掌管整個辦公室的事務。Who is in charge of arrangements for the dance next week?下星期的舞會會由誰負責安排? As soon as it started to snow, the children ran outside with big smiles on their faces.一開始下雪,孩子們立刻滿臉雀躍地衝出門外。I’m busy now ,but I’ll meet you as soon as I’ve finished this work.我手邊正忙,但等我工作一結束,立刻就和你碰面。You can get in touch with him by calling the Burma Hotel.你只要打電話到柏瑪飯店就能聯絡上他。I’ve been trying all morning to get in touch with Miss Peters , but her phone is always busy.我已經試了整個早上要和彼得茲小姐聯絡,可是她的電話一直在忙線中Mac said that he’d be ready to leave in no time.邁克說他快準備好要出發了。We thought that the meeting would take two hours , but it was over in no time at all.我們原以為會議大概會耗上兩個鐘頭,沒想到很快就結束了。In order to lose weight , you have to cut down on your intake of sugar.
為了減重,你必須減少糖分的攝取量。The doctor told me to cut back on exercise until my back injury heals.醫生勸我在背上的傷痊癒之前,最好減少練習。


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